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Josie Wood
6 days ago6 min read
Walk and Talk Groups: How can they help when you are grieving?
Walk and talk groups offer many benefits when you are bereaved, read more to find out how they can help you.
Josie Wood
Aug 28, 20244 min read
There is No Timetable for Grief
Grief is a journey that each of us must navigate in our own way, at our own pace. There is no agenda, plan or schedule for grieving.
Josie Wood
Aug 27, 20244 min read
'Grief isn't a Task To Finish & Move On’: Poet Glen Flowers says we can't push through grief.
In her poem 'Grief' Glen Flowers tells us grieving is about finding a new way of being. One where where we expand to encompass the loss.
Josie Wood
Aug 27, 20244 min read
Nurture Yourself with Kindness when You Are Grieving
When you are grieving be compassionate with yourself, just like you would be with a friend facing grief and loss.
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